After Care - St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic School

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After Care

Before Care/After Care

2022-2023 School Rates and Information

Our Goal: To provide a nurturing and caring Catholic environment during after school hours for Saint Mary of the Assumption Catholic School students.

REGULAR HOURS OF OPERATION: Before Care is held only on collaboration Mondays from 7:30am until 8:25am. However, After Care operates everyday from 3:00pm until 5:30pm.

PROGRAM: Our After Care program includes homework time, indoor/outdoor activities and a healthy snack. The program is only operational on days when students are in school (Any exceptions to scheduled times or operation will be posted in our weekly newsletter).

PAYMENT PROCEDURES: Payment may be made by check payable to St. Mary

LATE FEES: After Care closes at 5:30 PM each day.  After 5:30pm, a late charge of $1 per student per minute will be assessed.

EMERGENCY INFORMATION: Please keep all registration and emergency information current. Notify the After Care Director (even if you have notified the school) of any changes as soon as possible.

REGISTRATION and FEES:  Before Care & After Care registration fee is $30 per family and is applied to the first 10 hours of After Care, as the fee per hour is $3 per child 
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